CALL FOR PAPERS | 5th African Governance Seminar Series (AGOSS)

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Submission of Abstracts Due: 19 August 2022
Submission of Full Draft Papers Due: 19 September 2022


The Continental Secretariat of the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) , an autonomous entity within the African Union (AU), is inviting abstracts for papers from African experts, scholars, and practitioners to be presented by the authors at the 5th African Governance Seminar Series (AGOSS) event, scheduled to take place from the 29th to the 30th of September 2022, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

AGOSS is a multi-stakeholder interactive platform for debate and analysis of developments and trends on governance in Africa. The format of the series comprises an annual conference of governance experts, practitioners, industry captains, as well as academicians from universities, higher learning institutions, centres of excellence, and schools of government in Africa.

The seminars examine topical developments and paradigms in democracy and political governance, economic governance and management, corporate governance, socio-economic development, and state resilience within the framework of the African Union (AU) Constitutive Act, the African Charter of Democracy, Elections and Governance (ACDEG), and the AU Agenda 2063.

The objective of the seminars is to develop and generate knowledge on innovative alternatives in governance practice and theory, reviewing and assessing emerging literature and trends on governance on the continent through consolidation and analysis of literature and reports from within and outside the continent. Authors and presenters at the seminars join a distinguished community of African governance specialists who constitute a network. The network interacts through an online platform and conferences across the continent.

The APRM invites the following experts to submit papers:

1. Doctoral Candidates,
2. Post-Doctoral Candidates, and
3. Policy Research Fellows.


Find here the full call for papers

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