About Us
African Newspage (published by Newspage [Africa] Media Limited) is a pan-African multimedia publication on Africa’s development. African Newspage is one of 8 continental members of the 4th Permanent General Assembly of the African Union Economic, Social and Cultural Council (AU-ECOSOCC).
We are on a mission to bridge the huge gap existing in the African media’s reportage of sustainable development issues, guided by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Africa’s Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want – the continent’s strategic framework for inclusive and sustainable development.
In accomplishing this mission, we report on crucial African development issues around governance, trade and industry, peace and security, agriculture and food security. Our other areas of focus are gender and social inclusion, education and public health, natural resource governance as well as, environment and climate change.
Since 2016, our stories about these diverse areas of Africa’s development issues have significantly contributed to the creation of awareness and understanding of continental public policies around Agenda 2030 and Agenda 2063. Subsequently, African Newspage has become a reference point for experts, scholars and practitioners and anyone interested in Africa’s development.
We hereby pledge to uphold the established code of ethics “canons” of journalism in the discharge of our duties, by abiding to the cardinal guiding principles of accuracy, objectivity, impartiality, fairness and public accountability in the exercise of our fundamental right to a free press!
You can contact us via editor@africannewspage.net